Anti-Cheat Policy

Started by Admin Aug 19th, 2016 at 12:09
Posts: 32
Aug 19th, 2016 at 12:09
Anti-Cheat Policy Anyone caught cheating will be banned immediately and permanently. There will be no excuses and no exceptions. This includes "testing" or "trying" any type of cheating technique, even if it was "only one time". Any server which "advertises" its presence to the YouCan5Star master is subject to the rules and administration of the YouCan5Star staff. The YouCan5Star staff does not have to provide any specific proof. If there is reasonable cause to suspect a Member of cheating, that Member will be banned without warning. If you install and use any kind of cheat for the purpose of watching someone else to see if they cheat, you yourself will still be considered a cheater. If you join any server while using any type of cheat YOU WILL BE BANNED. It does not matter what your reason is for doing so. We will accept NO EXCUSES. Don't Risk Getting Banned. It's Not Worth It.